Friday, February 1, 2013

Queer Azadi Mumbai "Pride Walk!"
Feb 2nd, Saturday at August Kranti Maidan, Mumbai

From the Facebook event page:


Time to Assemble: 2 pm

What time will The March begin: About 4 pm

Where will we march to : From August Kranti Maidan to Opera House to Kennedy Bridge and back to August Kranti Maidan.

Who will lead us: The QAM Banner and the Giant Pride Flag.

Where to Assemble: At August Kranti Maidan . Collect your posters and banner that you would like to march with . Get your mini Pride Flags

How do we know that the March has begun: The banner and the flag start marching . The security volunteers will start telling you to join in the march behind the flag .

Dos and Donts: Do stand on the pavements, don’t stand on the road .Allow the flag and banner to move ahead without obstructing its way. People at AKM will follow the flag first and will be joined later by people on pavement towards Nana chowk.
Avoid smoking in Public . Keep the march clean , no liquor or greater smokes or spirits.

What Happens next: Nashik Dhols start at the Nana Chowk and the march has begun.

On arrival back at August Kranti Maidan: Talk, have fun , disperse in a while and then join the Post Pride Party

Show your solidarity :)

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