Friday, January 4, 2013

Hi everyone - protesters, silent demonstrators, candle holders, angry people, sad people, hopeful people, cynics and anyone else who just wants to know what is going on in different parts of the country in terms of movements, direct action, protests, vigils, meetings, demonstrations etc

I've started this page in the wake of the wave of anger and desperation across India after the Delhi gang-rape in December 2012. I realised that there were many small-scale efforts happening all over Bangalore (and I am sure, in other cities as well) and there is no one place that you can go to know of these various initiatives.

It's Here Only hopes to be that one-stop place - where information about all these various initiatives are collated and added so you can know and and you can choose whether you want to be a part of a particular initiative or not. This is not just for those initiatives linked to the anti-rape protests but also all other micro or macro-lever initiatives that may come up in the future. 

Many feel that protests and demonstrations are a waste of time, an eyewash with no real effect. But what the protest does and what the protestor wants to do is - to remind. To remember. To prevent us from forgetting.

For if we forget, the State forgets. 


  1. This is not about protest, but about the sorry state that prevails, in Bangalore:

  2. Hello, there are some protests in Calcutta I would like added to this blog, especially Take Back the Night. Is there an email address where I can send flyers and details? Great initiative, thanks! Shreya Ila Anasuya

  3. Hi
    Please email
    Will be happy to update:-) please spread the word

  4. Hi
    Please email
    Will be happy to update:-) please spread the word
