Saturday, January 19, 2013

Planning Meeting on 21st Jan, 2013(Monday) - 5 pm at Alternative Law Forum

The consortium of groups and individuals working toward Gender Justice, spearheaded by the group 'Men against Sexual Violence, Men for Gender Justice' will be having their third meeting tomorrow at Alternative Law Forum at 5 pm.

The meetings on 31st December, 2012 and 7th Jan, 2013 explored the various options for taking the fight forward, to understand how best to solidify the energy into workable, realistic solutions.

The meeting tomorrow is to form volunteer committees and forces that can take the plans forward. So, all those people who want to do something please make it for this meeting as this is the perfect time to contribute your skills and time.

Let's fight the fight together :)

We are available at: Mob: 9632223460 / 9632506195/ 9483950202 | | |

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